Ambient Noodles
Ambient Noodlings
Sunday Ambient #9

Sunday Ambient #9

Today have a jam that I put together with my 2 Volca FM synths, Circuit Tracks, and Keystep Pro. The Keystep Pro is handling the sequencing duties. The Circuit Tracks is playing the strings for a foundation while the Volcas move about over the top. There is a bit of reverb from a Zoom MS-70CDR and a tiny dash of chorus from a EHX Mod 11.

I’m enjoying the Keystep Pro, which I just picked up on sale this weekend. As I learn more about music theory, I’m more inclined to spend my time noodling on a keyboard as opposed to the grid on the Circuit Tracks. The sequencing abilities are just as powerful as the Circuit’s sequencers and could very well replace it for my purposes.

Ambient Noodles
Ambient Noodlings
Modular musical meanderings
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Michael Connell